GPO 遷移不是只有匯出匯入這麼簡單, 完整應該有這些步驟:
- Export GPOs from source domain
- Copy export files to destination domain
- Create and tweak migration table
- Manually recreate WMI filters in destination
- Remove GPOs of same name in destination
- Import GPOs to destination domain
- Manually reassign WMI filters
- Copy permissions (and sync SYSVOL permissions)
- Link GPOs to OUs
- Set link properties (enabled, enforced, etc.)
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grissonlin iT邦新手 4 級 ‧ 2018-02-05 16:49:19
後來試過上述的powershell指令,摸索了半天,還是匯入失敗,但所幸後來找到另外一篇文章是可以用GUI界面匯出匯入的,請參考如下網址,目前匯出匯入成功,雖然也是只能一條一條匯入,但是快多了,以及也沒有權限的問題,GUI會自動幫你轉Migrating Group Policy Objects using GPMC